I would like to make a weekly post talking about how the previous week went as a way preserve some memories. So last week was Easter and sadly the Easter spirit has not been present in my house. I didn't even put up any decorations. I did manage to make one easter craft this year which was a large table runner for my mother-in-law and a small one for me.

As for the Actual Easter weekend we spent the Saturday with my husband Kevin's family coloring eggs and doing a smaller get together and Sunday was the big event with my family having a whole feast with all the cousins and an egg hunt to tie it all in together. This is the first year I didn't get dressed up or make my family take a group photo. My daughter was still spoiled with lots of love and candy from both sides of the family as the Easter bunny left her a basket at our house and both grandparents.

May is already gearing up to be an overly busy month as we have two graduations, several birthdays, mothers day, a few craft fairs and some other events to attend to! Honestly I'm quite scared of all that May has to bring but we will get through it one minute at a time.